This page covers configuration and management of View crawl schedule objects.

Object Overview

Crawl schedules provide a reusable template that can be referenced by a crawl plan to define how frequently a given data repository is crawled.

Endpoint, URL, and Supported Methods

Objects are managed via the crawler server API at [http|https]://[hostname]:[port]/v1.0/tenants/[tenant-guid]/crawlschedules

By default, the crawler server is accessible on port 8101.

Supported methods include: GET HEAD PUT DELETE


Objects have the following structure:

    "GUID": "oneminute",
    "TenantGUID": "default",
    "Name": "Every minute",
    "Schedule": "MinutesInterval",
    "Interval": 1,
    "CreatedUtc": "2024-07-10T05:21:00.000000Z"


  • GUID string globally unique identifier for the object
  • TenantGUID string globally unique identifier for the tenant
  • Name string name of the object
  • Schedule enum the interval type of the schedule, valid values are OneTime SecondsInterval MinutesInterval HoursInterval DaysInterval
  • Interval int defines the number of instances of the interval type, for instance Interval with value of 10 and a Schedule of MinutesInterval indicates a crawl schedule that operates every 10-minutes. OneTime schedules do not repeat
  • CreatedUtc datetime timestamp from creation, in UTC time

Important: the user's password is never stored by View, but rather the SHA-256 hash within the PasswordSha256 property. As such this property is redacted when retrieving, enumerating, or updating the user object.


To create, call PUT /v1.0/tenants/[tenant-guid]/crawlplans with the following properties using the configuration server: `Name Schedule Interval

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8601/v1.0/tenants/[tenant-guid]/crawlschedules \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer [accesskey]" \
     -d '
    "Name": "My schedule",
    "Schedule": "DaysInterval",
    "Interval": 1


Refer to the Enumeration page in REST API for details about the use of enumeration APIs.

Enumerate objects by using GET /v2.0/tenants/[tenant-guid]/crawlschedules. The resultant object will appear as:

    "Success": true,
    "Timestamp": {
        "Start": "2024-10-21T02:36:37.677751Z",
        "TotalMs": 23.58,
        "Messages": {}
    "MaxResults": 10,
    "IterationsRequired": 1,
    "EndOfResults": true,
    "RecordsRemaining": 16,
    "Objects": [
            "GUID": "example-crawlschedule",
            ... crawlschedule details ...
        { ... }
    "ContinuationToken": "[continuation-token]"


To read an object by GUID, call GET /v1.0/tenants/[tenant-guid]/crawlschedules/[crawlschedule-guid]. If the object exists, it will be returned as a JSON object in the response body. If it does not exist, a 404 will be returned with a NotFound error response.

    "GUID": "oneminute",
    "TenantGUID": "default",
    "Name": "Every minute",
    "Schedule": "MinutesInterval",
    "Interval": 1,
    "CreatedUtc": "2024-07-10T05:21:00.000000Z"

Note: the HEAD method can be used as an alternative to get to simply check the existence of the object. HEAD requests return either a 200/OK in the event the object exists, or a 404/Not Found if not. No response body is returned with a HEAD request.


To update an object by GUID, call PUT /v1.0/tenants/[tenant-guid]/crawlschedules/[crawlschedule-guid] with a fully populated object in the request body. The updated object will be returned to you.

Note: certain fields cannot be modified and will be preserved across updates.

Request body:

    "GUID": "oneminute",
    "TenantGUID": "default",
    "Name": "Updated every minute schedule",
    "Schedule": "MinutesInterval",
    "Interval": 1,
    "CreatedUtc": "2024-07-10T05:21:00.000000Z"

Response body:

    "GUID": "oneminute",
    "TenantGUID": "default",
    "Name": "Updated every minute schedule",
    "Schedule": "MinutesInterval",
    "Interval": 1,
    "CreatedUtc": "2024-07-10T05:21:00.000000Z"


To delete an object by GUID, call DELETE /v1.0/tenants/[tenant-guid]/crawlschedules/[crawlschedule-guid].